As the age-old saying goes, “Health is Wealth”. There is nothing more valuable than the well-being of ourselves and our loved ones. However, in times of medical crisis, it can be overwhelming to navigate the complexities of choosing the right treatment, doctor, and hospital. It’s all too easy to make the wrong choices.

This is where EASY-TREATMENT steps in. We bridge the gap by thoroughly vetting and recommending the best available treatments in the country, providing a clear and transparent assessment of the benefits and drawbacks to the patient or their family. We also offer cost-saving packages and facilitate travel, lodging, boarding, insurance, and any other related affairs before and after the treatment. Let us help you take care of your health, so that you can focus on what truly matters in life.

Our next level of care
One personal assistant will be given to patient as soon as they arrive to the hospital till the end of the treatment.Our personal assistant will take care of all your A to Z needs appointment, admission, also to interpret if required.

Care that goes beyond
The best part of the company as we provide our services for free.
You can choose doctor and hospital based on your preference. we can also guide you to select doctor and Hospital according to your requirement

Your health and wellness
We provide our services at present in Hyderabad. all super speciality Hospital is specialised in – organ transplant ( lungs, heart, liver, renal) Baraiatrices and robotic surgeries ( weight loss and diabetes).

Dr. Anoop Agrawal

Consultant interventional cardiologist

Experience : 16 Year

Dr. Anoop Agrawal, with over 16 years of experience, is a renowned Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, specialized in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR).